Home Page Shakespeare Primary School “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare

What a fabulous first day back celebrating the Queens Platinum Jubilee! We loved our picnic on the field and country dancing.

We had a brilliant day at the World Museum in Liverpool!

We loved meeting Miss Helsby's bunnies, they are so cute!

We had a wonderful time at the beach being hunter- gatherers. We collected lots of useful resources and made tools, jewellery and homes. We were really lucky to also spot a seal playing in the waters.

Look at our wonderful Music and Artist displays.

We loved our mathematical Easter egg hunt!

Red Nose Day 2022!

We love going to the beach!

Shakey's Got Talent!

Happy World Book Day!

We love going to the beach! Today we grouped different types of rocks and created our own creature out of all our wonderful findings.

Autumn 2: What a busy half term this has been!