Shakespeare Uniform
- Grey school trousers/shorts/school skirt or pinafore
- White shirt
- School tie
- Bottle green knitted jumper or tank top
- Black school shoes
- White, grey or black socks or tights
- School blazer (optional)
- No large hair bows or ribbons
In the summer term, a short sleeved shirt and tie can be worn and green and white summer school dress (No half white polo/half gingham check summer dresses.)
Shakespeare PE Kit
- Yellow polo shirt or t-shirt
- Green shorts
- Black pumps
- Green/ yellow or black bair bobbles
Note: No earrings - please see policy for more details.
Price List of items available to buy from School Office
- School Green Drawer String Bag £3.50
- School Book Bag £6.00
- Reading Packs 20p
- Water Bottles £2.50
- Bottle Tops £1.00
- School Ties £4.00