Our long term aim is to instil a lifelong love of physical activity / sport by providing the children with basic fundamental skills that will progress the children’s physical abilities (for sustained periods of time), the opportunity for all children to engage in competitive sports and activities (both intra and inter school), leading and promoting healthy and active lives, develop team building skills through cross curricular PSHE, demonstrate an outstanding sporting conduct and to provide opportunities to be sports leaders once the skills / rules taught have been mastered. Our children will be provided with high quality provision delivered by specialist leaders in swimming, gymnastics, dance and areas covered by Fleetwood Town Community Trust.
National curriculum:
The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
P.E. is taught twice a week in each year group.
Using our allocation of sports premium funding, the children will engage in a series of lessons taught by an outside external specialist in dance.
Fleetwood Town Community Trust will work alongside teaching staff to update staff CPD while also working with targeted groups. The children will be given clear learning objectives that will aim to be achieved by the end of each session. The children will learn basic fundamental skills taught at a slower pace in order to correctly master. Once mastered, the children will take part in fast paced energetic sessions while also being offered the opportunity to take part in intra and inter school events of both inclusive and competitive nature. Events will be provided for pupil premium children, targeted boys’ and girls’ and more able and talented groups. The children will have access to personal best sessions and team work sessions. The children will adopt a personal best mind set in order to self-regulate and self-assess their own progress. The children will take part in sessions both indoor and outdoor covering a wide range of P.E. strands including EYFS targets (gross and fine motor skills), basic fundamental skills, yoga and mental wellbeing, athletics, invasion games, team games, outdoor adventurous activities, net and wall, dance, gymnastics and swimming. At the top end of KS2, children will begin to take part in full sports competitions at both inter and intra level with an aim to begin leading sessions by understanding the rules and delivering the session themselves at primary and later at high school. A gymnastics specialist will lead an after-school club that allows our children to take part in extracurricular sessions and the possibility of an internal interschool event.
Our P.E Coordinator will actively take part in CPD events organised by Fleetwood Town Community Trust, the Lancashire School Games organisers, take part in cluster meetings and sharing of practise with colleagues and other schools while working alongside various external specialists / community providers to improve the quality of teaching delivery and the end results of the children’s physical education.
Our P.E. Coordinator will organise / deliver and lead CPD sessions and pass on the relevant information and skills to staff in conjunction with specialist teachers in swimming, dance, gymnastics alongside a specialist coach from Fleetwood Town Community Trust. Now that staff have been given CPD training (by observing the specialist) teachers will lead P.E. sessions that offer a higher quality of provision. Fleetwood Town Community Trust will team teach with support staff / classroom teachers to provide high quality specialist training. If teacher CPD is sufficiently up to date, then the specialist will be used to target specific groups such as pupil premium children, targeted boys’ and girls’ and more able and talented groups.
Children in year 4 will complete the swimming programme of study with a swimming specialist at Fleetwood YMCA. As a peninsula town, we understand more than ever the importance of swimming a full 25m length and the children improving their water safety survival skills as it is an important part of living in a seaside town.
The impact of our school P.E. provision and education will be measured using the following.
1. Gross motor skills
2. Fine motor skills
3. Basic fundamentals
4. Skills progression
5. Develop personal bests
6. Take part in team sports and games (represent school where possible)
7. Show an outstanding sporting conduct
8. Start to lead skills activities independently