Home Page Shakespeare Primary School “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare

Autumn Term. In English writing we have planned, written and edited pieces that cover the genres of poetry, setting descriptions, character descriptions, instructions and fact files. In maths we have covered place value, ordering numbers, rounding, the four operations + × ÷ -, fractions using the four operations while also looking at the problem solving / reasoning skills needed in all the same areas. In science we have covered 'living things and their habitats' and 'evolution and inheritance'. The children have sorted classification keys using liquorice allsorts, grown mould on bread, discovered MRS GREN for living things ,sorted offspring animals and taken part in the 'End of the World' lesson. In history we have started our Victorian topic learning about influential people, important inventions and the birth of the Industrial Revolution. In design technology we have started to learn to sew while in art we have been sketching eyes while mastering our pencil sketching skills. We have also been using our digital art skills on the computers. In P.E we have been perfecting our personal bests in athletics while working on decision making during team games. Our ballroom dancing has started - more to follow in the near future. In geography we have been comparing time zones across the world which is very tricky! We've developed our understanding of lines of longitude and latitude while naming continents of the world and the countries inside them.
