Home Page Shakespeare Primary School “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare


At Shakespeare, we want our children to become confident, curious, inquisitive scientists. We believe that every child deserves a broad and balanced Science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover their surroundings, so that they gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. To do this we follow the Developing Experts scheme of work, which aligns with our curriculum vision, school ethos and children’s needs whilst encompassing the National Curriculum Programme of Study. With a high- quality science curriculum, children will be taught substantive knowledge that will go hand in hand with disciplinary knowledge. The curriculum is sequenced to ensure that pupils know ‘the science’: they also know the evidence for it and can use this knowledge to work scientifically.



In each year group, Science is taught for 1.5 hours a week. The curriculum is split into half termly blocks of six topics. Topics are revisited to ensure we implement a curriculum that is progressive throughout the whole school. For example, topics, such as plants, are taught in Key Stage One and studied again in further detail throughout Key Stage Two. This model allows children to build upon their prior knowledge and increases their enthusiasm for the topics whilst embedding this procedural knowledge into the long-term memory. All children are encouraged to develop and use a range of skills including observations, planning and investigations, as well as being encouraged to question the world around them and become independent learners in exploring possible answers for their scientific based questions. Specialist vocabulary (rocket words) for topics is taught and built on, and effective questioning to communicate ideas is encouraged. Concepts are taught through a story telling approach to learning through the Developing Experts scheme. Previously taught knowledge is revisited through each lesson by questioning and discussions. 

Progress in science will be judged half termly through rocket word quizzes and end of topic tests. Teachers will record each half term how far each child has progressed through current year group expectations.

Further opportunities in school such as, Science Day each year allows children to predict, explore, test and evaluate different scientific phenomena.  This also provides opportunities to become a scientist for the day to facilitate our main intent to become confident, curious and inquisitive scientists. Links with the local high school, mean groups of children are able to take part in school science competitions.



Through Developing Experts, our Science curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression in knowledge, working scientifically skills and enquiry types (different types of experiment). The impact of our Science curriculum is that the majority of children, in our school, are able to;

  • Demonstrate knowledge and scientific vocabulary in the core areas of science taught each year.
  • Recall, make links to and build upon previously taught science vocabulary and knowledge.
  • Use scientific vocabulary and skills to help them to work scientifically when planning, conducting, recording, reporting and understanding (evaluating) scientific enquiries (experiments).
  • Know about science and scientists in real life.
  • By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.

Long Term Plan

Year 6. In science we have covered 'Living Things and their Habitats' and 'Evolution and Inheritance'. The children have sorted classification keys using liquorice allsorts, grown mould on bread, discovered MRS GREN for living things ,sorted offspring animals and taken part in the 'End of the World' lesson.

In Year 4 we have been creating complete circuits through our Electricity topic.

In year 3 we have been working scientifically to build solar ovens and clean coins.

In Year 4 we have been measuring sounds using a decibel meter on the ipad. Would the sound be louder, the higher we dropped the marble?

We have been making our own shadow puppets in year 3 to investigate how shadows can change shape.

Year 3 have been investigating how shadows are formed as part of our light topic.

Year 2 have been exploring seeds and bulbs!

In Year 4 we have been investigating how much quicker ice melts with salt rather than without (3 states of water - States of Matter).

In Science, year 2 have been testing out different objects to see if they can change the shape of them. We did lots of bending, twisting, stretching and squashing. We also played with GLOOP, which was wonderfully weird!

Year 2 have been identifying materials and understanding why different objects are made from particular materials.

In year 2, we have been sorting materials into groups and labelling materials around the classroom.

Year 5 have been testing different materials to find out how absorbent they are.

Year 2 had an amazing time becoming super scientists for the afternoon! The ballon kebab experiment went with a bang!

Year 1 have been testing materials using a torch to find out which materials are transparent, translucent and opaque. Then sorting them into groups.

We are Scientists!!! Year 2 have made balloon kebabs today! Some of them POPPED but we had another go x

In year 6 we have been imagining the end of the world was upon us and have created our own species that should be able to adapt to their new surroundings of water, desert and ice.

In Science we have been discussing the importance of washing our hands. We did the 'pepper experiment' to show how fantastic hand sanitizer is at getting rid of germs!

Year 2 have set their butterflies free!!

Still image for this video

Year 2 have been set up a plant experiment this week! Each plant has different conditions. We have predicted how each plant will grow and we will observe them closely to discover the outcome!

At Science club this week, our super scientists had to complete a wheelbarrow challenge. They had to work as a team to build a wheelbarrow and then transport a cup of water around a course without spilling it. Shakespeare won the challenge! Well done team!

Year 2 have been on a trip Farmer Parr’s. They learned all about different animals and their young, what they need and their habitat. They even got go feed, stroke and hold some of them! It was a super day x

Year 2’s new topic in science is PLANTS! We have been labelling and observing plants and trees!!

In Year 4 we have been listening and learning about pitch through our Sound topic. We made our own string instruments and discovered how to create higher and lower pitch.

Year 1 have enjoyed been explorers and hunting for mini beasts.

Year 1 had a lovely afternoon pond dipping. They even used ipods to take their own photographs.

Year 3 had lots of fun exploring and learning about dinosaurs, fossils, rocks and skeletons at the World Museum in Liverpool.

Science club is GREAT!! We have been building bridges out of paper and testing out how many weights it can hold. We have also been learning how to use Bunsen Burners safely and completed a dissolving jelly' experiment xx