Pupil Personal Development Passport
We have carefully designed our Personal Development offer to:
The passport is an overview of a child’s lived experience through school and they should take pride in completing any work within it.
Each child will have their very own Personal Development Passport which will be used to track the wide and varied learning experiences that they take part in during each year of school.
Children will look to complete the skills sheet over the year and will tick and date each one when completed.
When children take part in any cultural or educational experience that is categorised under one of the below headings, then they will be given time to reflect on these learning opportunities in their passports. This may take the form of a short, written response, picture or any other chosen medium. Children are asked to reflect on which area of the pupil passport this experience relates to and consider how it relates to other knowledge and skills within that heading. In this way, children are able to take the time to think deeply and make important links. Children can also add events undertaken outside of school such as extra-curricular achievements as these are important building blocks in a child’s development of cultural capital.
The passport will be a chronological record of the children’s life through school and will journey with them all the way...
Pupil Personal Development Passport
We have carefully designed our Personal Development offer to:
The passport is an overview of a child’s lived experience through school and they should take pride in completing any work within it.
Each child will have their very own Personal Development Passport which will be used to track the wide and varied learning experiences that they take part in during each year of school.
Children will look to complete the skills sheet over the year and will tick and date each one when completed.
When children take part in any cultural or educational experience that is categorised under one of the below headings, then they will be given time to reflect on these learning opportunities in their passports. This may take the form of a short, written response, picture or any other chosen medium. Children are asked to reflect on which area of the pupil passport this experience relates to and consider how it relates to other knowledge and skills within that heading. In this way, children are able to take the time to think deeply and make important links. Children can also add events undertaken outside of school such as extra-curricular achievements as these are important building blocks in a child’s development of cultural capital.
The passport will be a chronological record of the children’s life through school and will journey with the children throughout school…
Our Personal Development offer is underpinned by our school vision and values where children: Be Kind, Show Respect, Work Hard, Be Resilient and Aim High. Shakespeare Primary School is a place where individual differences are valued, where varying needs and each person’s potential to learn and grow is realised. This intent statement reflects our dedication to creating an educational environment that goes beyond academic excellence to cultivate individuals who not only excel academically but also possess the social skills, emotional intelligence, and physical vitality needed to thrive in a dynamic world.
The vision for Personal Development at Shakespeare is to:
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural elements are developed across all subjects and aspects of school life. Children develop the ability to be reflective about their own and others’ lives, how to keep safe and healthy, the role of British Values in our everyday lives and, because of this, positive relationships are evidenced all across the school. Children readily apply an understanding of right and wrong to their everyday lives and are passionate about the many creative and cultural opportunities they are given. Themes are explored through subjects, experiences and assemblies and children revisit these over and over again throughout their journey through school.
British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education, we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that different people may hold different views about what is "right" and "wrong", all people living in England are subject to its law.
British Values are carefully woven throughout our curriculum. This enables our children to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing
Our PSHE curriculum is delivered through the SCARF programme which provides a framework to ensure a whole school approach to health and wellbeing, relationships and health education and promoting positive behaviour, mental health, resilience and achievement.
There are six key themes which are taught in every year group.
To enhance and personalise our PSHE offer, our Pastoral Team deliver KidSafe sessions using their child-centred and comprehensive programme. This provides our children with the additional tools, language and confidence they need to keep themselves safe.
Through a comprehensive physical education program and a focus on healthy lifestyles, we aim to instil healthy habits that contribute to a lifetime of well-being. Our use of sports premium funding enables children to engage in a broad range of specialist dance, gymnastics and many other sporting experiences. We place a high importance upon giving all children the opportunity to play sport, to compete, to find their special talents and to take those talents forward into their future lives. The confidence, self-esteem and teamwork and resilience this contributes towards children’s development of character, metal health and personal development.
Wellbeing Way
Shakespeare’s own Wellbeing Team have created the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ and the ‘Wellbeing Way’ who are passionate about improving mental and physical health of children, parents and visitors. By participating in challenges as a community together we are building tools and an understanding of how the ‘Five Ways to Wellbeing’ can help build resilience, boost wellbeing and improve our mental and physical health. Our Wellbeing Team, supported by our School Council, lead and plan events linked to our curriculum so that all members of the Shakespeare explore ways to Connect, Be Healthy, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give.
Keeping Safe and RSE
To enhance and personalise our PSHE offer, our Pastoral Team deliver KidSafe sessions using their child-centred and comprehensive programme. This provides our children with the additional tools, language and confidence they need to keep themselves safe.
Social Emotional Learning
We prioritise the cultivation of positive social skills, fostering a sense of community and respect among pupils. Emphasis is placed on emotional well-being, with programmes designed to enhance self-awareness, resilience, and emotional intelligence.
Pastoral Team
A strong pastoral team carries out targeted and timely support to individuals or groups identified when concerns are raised and children know that there is always someone to speak to if there is a problem. As a school, we are committed to supporting families as we know that school and home working as a team has a positive effect on the behaviour and attitudes of the children. We have an open-door policy and families know that they can approach us for advice and support at any time. We work closely with agencies and local charities to support our families, for example, the local foodbank, Menshed and many others. As a Leading Parent Partnership school, we place the highest importance on working with and supporting our families.
Website Links
Visit the PSHE curriculum page here.
Visit the RE curriculum page here.
Visit the Physical Education curriculum page here.
Visit the Music curriculum page here.
Visit the Outdoor Learning curriculum page here.
Visit the ECO Schools curriculum page here.
Visit our Wellbeing page here.
Notable responses from parents on our recent school questionnaire:
“Shakespeare is a warm, welcoming school where children feel safe and loved. Being part of the Shakespeare family is lovely school not only help children but their families too.”
“My children have loved and do love attending this school as they are given so many opportunities and great learning experiences. The teachers and none teaching staff are amazing!”
“I moved my child from a different school in year 2 and it was the best love I have ever made. He loves coming to school and the environment is just right for him. Staff are friendly welcoming and my child is challenged appropriately!”
“Shakey keeps our children happy, safe and educated in a fun friendly environment.”
“Pastoral care is fabulous and you have really helped us through tough times.”
“The staff at Shakespeare are amazing. I can’t praise the EYFS and key stage 1 teachers and TA’s enough. Not only do they get the best out of my child but they are the reason he loves school.”
“My child is thriving at this school!”