A set of three D&T projects are completed by each year group at Shakespeare. Cooking and nutrition will take place in every year group, with children developing an understanding of where food comes from, the importance of a varied and healthy diet and how to prepare this as well as developing healthy, safe and hygienic practice for food preparation.
The other two projects taught will cover the areas of textiles, structures and mechanical and electrical systems. The skills and knowledge taught in these areas will be returned to and built upon every two years.
The time dedicated to D&T ensures that each topic can be delivered to a high standard and children can create important and useful products. Resources are plentiful and allow children to be clever and creative when designing and making their products. All children are challenged during D&T lessons through continuous verbal feedback and through problems presented to them. We encourage our children to design their products iteratively and evaluate as they are working, always thinking of ways in which they could improve their product. Children are encouraged to consider the impact their product can have on the wider world, this ensures they realise the difference their products may make in the future.
In design and technology, each topic ends with all children being given the opportunity to consolidate their skills by creating an individual final product. These products are a fantastic way for children to demonstrate their designing process and the skills they have learnt in order to produce their end product. Throughout the designing process, each D&T lesson builds on the skills learnt in the previous lesson and children’s skills are improved throughout each topic. The progression of skills throughout the school is clear to see through the quality of the products the children in each year group create. Assessment of children’s learning takes place in each lesson as class teachers monitor children’s understanding, knowledge and skills through questioning and observation. This assessment can then be used to inform differentiation, support and challenge required by the children.
It is important that children demonstrate a good level of later recall of the lessons taught. Please have a look at the sheets below to see the knowledge, vocabulary and questions used to assist with recall in this subject.