Year 4 together with our Eco counsellors have been working on the Marine Conservation Society’s Ocean Friendly Schools Award this year.
The tasks included carrying out an investigation into how pollution can happen, summing up what we have learnt in a creative way, carrying out a litter pick, finding out how our school connects to the sea, planning a letter to write to a supermarket asking them to reduce waste and produce an Ocean Manifesto as well as appointing Ocean Ambassadors who will help
promote ocean friendly actions.
Our Eco counsellors planned a whole school Eco day. This links in with our Global Learning theme of Environment and Sustainability. The Eco counsellors informed the school in a whole school assembly about what they have achieved so far in their weekly meetings. Each year group had a different Eco Schools themeEvery class had a discussion about what it means to be eco friendly and thought about what they could do to improve. Each class made a recycling robot to display in their class to help them think about their eco friendly actions.