Home Page Shakespeare Primary School “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare


The aim of RE at Shakespeare Primary School is for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. We encourage an enquiry-based attitude to learning in RE following the Lancashire agreed syllabus. At the heart of Lancashire's syllabus is the quest to understand what it is to be human. It is our intention that learning about and from religion we can become more open minded, respectful and achieve greater self-awareness. The skills and attitudes developed though RE can thus make a significant contribution to promoting British Values and developing community cohesion.


We encourage our pupils to ask questions about the world and so whilst learning about what other people believe they can reflect on their own beliefs, values and experiences. To try to achieve this we start each lesson with an enquiry question. At the end of what they are taught they are encouraged to reflect on what this means to others and to themselves (SPM). We incorporate Lancashire and SACRE’s headings into our planning:

LRT (Living religious traditions)

B+V (Beliefs and Values)

SHE (shared human experience)

SPM (search for Personal meaning)


Experiences and enrichment opportunities at Shakespeare Primary School

  • handling artefacts
  • exploring scared texts
  • using imaginative play or drama to express feelings and ideas
  • responding to images, games, stories, art, music and dance
  • meeting visitors from local religious communities
  • making visits to religious places of worship where possible, and where not, making use of videos and the internet
  • taking part in whole school events- (e.g. Easter service, Harvest Festival, school performances)
  • participating in moments of quiet reflection
  • comparing religions and worldviews through discussion
  • debating and communicating religious belief, worldviews and philosophical ideas and answering and asking ultimate questions posed by these.


The impact of RE should be seen :


  • in children’s attitude to each other and to those of other religions.
  • the way they show respect of people’s beliefs that are different to their own.
  • by developing an enquiring mind, asking questions, wanting to find out about other people’s beliefs.


As a result of asking questions they should show an understanding of why people have their beliefs. They should have a greater sense of what it means to be human. They will be able to question their own understanding of the world and find out what is important to them in their own life.

Year 1 visit to St Nicholas Church

Year 4 had a visit to a Mosque in Preston to help us understand more about Islam and Muslim prayer.

Year 2 have been learning all about the church. We took a little trip to our local church to learn even more! Reverend Carolyn was a brilliant host! We even got to play the organ xx

In year 3 we have met a Buddhist who taught us lots about his faith and we even got to have a go at meditating.

In year 2 we have been learning all about Christingles. We made our own Christingle and Reverend Carolyn came to teach us all about them. She even let us light them! Merry Christmas Everyone!

In year 6, we have understood the moral implications of 'The Good Samiratan' and re-enacted the story by using drama.

Year 2 have been making beautiful windmills. We have been learning all about the Holy Spirit and how Christians describe it as being like a gentle wind. We thought we’d made a windmill to represent the wind.

As part of our Inspiration topic in RE, Year 5 have been learning about some of the prominent figures of the Civil Rights Movement. After listening to some inspirational songs, including Nelson Mandela by The Specials, we thought we'd work in groups and write some songs of our own about Rosa Parks.

Year 1 have been learning about a Bulgarian traditional holiday called Baba Marta. The children made red and white Martenitsa. The red is a symbol of strength, purity and happiness. The white is a symbol of health.

In RE year 2 have been learning all about Palm Sunday. We made these fantastic palm trees and palm leaves to represent this special time at Easter.

Year 2 have been looking at the symbols and their meanings in different religions. The children then thought about what symbols represents them and drew a picture of them.

17.1.22 In our weekly RE/ PSHE assembly our EYFS children learned about the Old Testament story 'Noah's Ark'.

EYFS celebrated Diwali!

Year 2 have been learning all about Hanukkah

Year 3 have learnt about the nativity story and made a Christmas decoration

In Year 3 we read the story of Jonah and the Whale

In year 6, we have understood the moral implications of 'The Good Samiratan' and re-enacted the story by using drama.

In year 6 we have prepared for the coming of Jesus by looking at the essential items that are needed to raise a modern baby. We learned that items are essential and some are non essential.

In year 6 we have completed a study of Sikhism and a believers' baptism inside Christianity.
