Shakespeare Primary School
Art Intent Implementation and Impact
(Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness)
(Curriculum teaching, delivery)
The children are taught through a combination of direct teaching, investigation and experimentation. They are provided with first-hand experience, teacher prepared materials, reproductions of art work, educational visits, and technology. The children learn about other artists and cultures through Artist of the Month and mini research projects. The substantive, practical knowledge we believe that should be central to our Art Curriculum includes methods and techniques such as shading, mono-printing, collage. Media and materials such as pencils, pens, clay, paint and more formal elements such as line, tone, colour, form, pattern and texture.
Disciplinary knowledge helps children to answer and ask questions about art- having a critical eye and forming opinions on artwork.
Subject planning and evaluation is between Year Group teams in each Key Stage. There is a whole school written sequence of learning where knowledge and skills have been divided into Year Groups. This sequencing provides a systematic approach to the teaching and learning of art where the skills and knowledge build up over the years and will be revisited and embedded at certain points. The subject has a co-ordinator.
The format uses the National Curriculum Programmes of study for Key Stages 1 and 2 and the Lancashire KLIPS.
Planning is the responsibility of teachers in each year group team. The Art Co-ordinator is available to give guidance and help if necessary.
Within classes, pupils are taught by a combination of the following, as appropriate and according to the learning tasks: ability/age groups, peer/friendship groups, or by whole class teaching.
Assessment techniques used include:
Further evidence is provided by the pupil’s evaluation of their own achievements, and by artefacts made by the pupils. Teacher assessment is carried on the throughout all Key Stages.
The marking of pupils’ work provides both written and oral feedback. Pupil’s assessment is the responsibility of the class teacher who can call on the curriculum co-ordinator and the assessment co-ordinator for advice.