Home Page Shakespeare Primary School “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare


Shakespeare Primary School

Art Intent Implementation and Impact



(Curriculum design, coverage and appropriateness)

  • To explore the vast world of art and appreciate it in its many different forms.
  • To become artists and have the confidence to explore and partake in different arts and craft skills.
  • To understand that art is as much about the journey than the end point.
  • To have varied artistic opportunities and experiences that develop cultural capital.
  • To understand that art is a powerful tool that can evoke feelings, memories or images.
  • To see through the eyes of an artist and form their own opinions about particular pieces of art.



(Curriculum teaching, delivery)

The children are taught through a combination of direct teaching, investigation and experimentation.  They are provided with first-hand experience, teacher prepared materials, reproductions of art work, educational visits, and technology.  The children learn about other artists and cultures through Artist of the Month and mini research projects. The substantive, practical knowledge we believe that should be central to our Art Curriculum includes methods and techniques such as shading, mono-printing, collage. Media and materials such as pencils, pens, clay, paint and more formal elements such as line, tone, colour, form, pattern and texture. 

Disciplinary knowledge helps children to answer and ask questions about art- having a critical eye and forming opinions on artwork. 

Subject planning and evaluation is between Year Group teams in each Key Stage. There is a whole school written sequence of learning where knowledge and skills have been divided into Year Groups. This sequencing provides a systematic approach to the teaching and learning of art where the skills and knowledge build up over the years and will be revisited and embedded at certain points. The subject has a co-ordinator.



Planning is used to: -

  • set clear achievable goals;
  • ensure work is matched to pupils’ abilities, experience and interests;
  • ensure progression, continuity and subject coverage throughout the school;
  • develop assessment procedures;
  • provide criteria for evaluation for teaching and learning.

The format uses the National Curriculum Programmes of study for Key Stages 1 and 2 and the Lancashire KLIPS.

Planning is the responsibility of teachers in each year group team.  The Art Co-ordinator is available to give guidance and help if necessary. 

Within classes, pupils are taught by a combination of the following, as appropriate and according to the learning tasks: ability/age groups, peer/friendship groups, or by whole class teaching.



Assessment is used to:

  • provide diagnostic information about individuals or groups
  • plan future teaching and learning
  • provide summative information for teachers
  • provide information for parents
  • contribute to a pupil’s curricular record

Assessment techniques used include:

  • teacher assessments of pupil’s performance on task
  • teachers’ observation of pupils when working
  • teacher /pupil discussion and teacher questioning.
  • Quizzes and retrieval questioning. 

Further evidence is provided by the pupil’s evaluation of their own achievements, and by artefacts made by the pupils.  Teacher assessment is carried on the throughout all Key Stages.

The marking of pupils’ work provides both written and oral feedback.  Pupil’s assessment is the responsibility of the class teacher who can call on the curriculum co-ordinator and the assessment co-ordinator for advice.


Art Key Knowledge Map

Art Progression in Knowledge and Skills

Art Long-Term Plan

Year 1 have been learning how to print. We used the story The Fox and the Star for inspiration for this artwork, we have printed on animal shapes and made some beautiful mothers day cards.

Year 5 children have participated in the Art and Science in Residence project at The Mount, Fleetwood led by local artist Tina Dempsey. They examined closely beach finds on our coast , looked at patterns, colours and textures and made prints.

SKETCHBOOKS- every child in KS 2 has their own sketchbook. These are used across subjects for recording the children's ideas, interpretations and their progression through art.

Year 2 have been exploring sculpture. Look at our tinfoil sculpture people...

Year 2 have been modelling with clay! They made candle light holders x

Year 2 have been exploring media and making printing blocks from Styrofoam.

Year 3 have been learning how to mix paints to create different colours.

Year 2 have been colour mixing x

Year 1 have been looking at the work of Picasso. Our calendars are inspires by his work.

Year 4 have been using warm and cold colours when creating a city scene (warm sky and cold water).

Year 2 have been making view finders xx

Natural Art in Year 2

Year 6 have used their pencil sketching skills to create human heads.

Year 3 have been drawing their own self portraits.

Year 2 have been using tiny dots to make pictures. This is called Pointilism!

Inspired by the works of M C Escher, Year 5 have been making repeating patterns.

Year 2 have been inspired by Hilma Af Klint. Her paintings were unique because she didn’t paint what she saw but what she felt x

Year 2 have been observational drawings x

Year 2 have been drawing some brilliant portraits of the Queen!

Year 1 have been learning about how to draw a pirate ship.

In year 1 we have been using natural materials to create mini beast pictures and models.

Year 2 Sketching and Sculpture

Year 1 have enjoyed learning about Andy Goldsworthy. He uses natural materials to create his beautiful master pieces. Year 1 have created their own master piece inspired by Andy's work.

Year 1 have been very creative making natural art mini beasts.

Year 3 have created this masterpiece in the style of Kandinsky's Transverse Lines, we listened to different pieces of music and expressed ourselves using different shapes and lines.

Year 2 have been learning all about pointillism. We've had a go at creating our own pictures using cotton buds and they look awesome!

In year 2 we have been weaving!! They look incredible!

In year 3, we have designed, sculptured and painted clay pots. Look at how amazing they turned out!

We are very proud of this year's 'Blackpool Gazette Seasider Art Competition' entries. Here are our two winners at the exhibition with their artwork. Well done children!

We have been paper weaving in year 2!

Year 2 have been making clay candle holders in art.

Some of our Year 5 images and sketches. We have been exploring tint and shade, mixed media, perspective and collecting images of objects on the beach.

'The Perfect Fit' by Naomi Jones... The inspiration for our gorgeous display using printing and sponging techniques. We loved the solid, bright colours of the shapes and how they fitted together to make fun pictures.

Year 5 artwork. Repeating patterns in the style of M.C Escher.

After being inspired by the artwork of Jean-Michel Basquiat, Year 5 made this display of Graffiti Art in the style of Basquiat himself!

EYFS- Chinese New Year crafting!

Year 4 love having the opportunity to be creative in Art lessons!

Year 2 have been painting repeated patterns this week!

Year 6 had a brilliant time visiting the Van Gogh Live exhibition in Manchester.


Year One are very creative. Have a look at all our beautiful art work.

In EYFS we've been looking at the story 'The Dot' by Peter H Reynolds. WE ARE ALL ARTISTS! Just make a mark and see where it takes you....

In year 2 we have been mixing primary colours and making our own brown x

Year 3 have been exploring using watercolours to create a landscape painting.

In Year 3 we have had a lot of fun doing Outdoor Art. We loved making mandalas, mixing our own paint using natural resources and making hapazomes using stones and flowers.

In year 6 we have been exploring digital art, shading techniques with 'A Christmas Carol' and the artist Kadinsky.
