This year the theme for Anti-Bullying Week is REACH OUT. Our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and Reps will be giving a whole school assembly on Thursday 17th November.
The theme of Reach Out came about from teachers and children wanting a theme that empowered them to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.
Anti-Bullying Week will remind everyone whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, let’s reach out and show each other the support we need.
Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out.
From teachers to parents and influencers to politicians, we all have a responsibility to help each other reach out.
Together, let’s be the change we want to see. Reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples and create kinder communities.
We will be starting off Anti-Bullying Week with Odd Socks Day on Monday 14th November.
Odd Socks Day is designed to be fun! It’s an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique!
There is no pressure to wear the latest fashion or to buy expensive costumes. All you have to do to take part is wear odd socks to your school, at work of at home, it couldn’t be simpler!