Home Page Shakespeare Primary School “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” William Shakespeare

Well done to all of year 4 who performed beautifully at our final Summer band concert. You should all be super proud of yourselves, as we are very proud of you! A special well done to those children who performed solos.

Our ballroom dancing competition!

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Our ballroom dancing competition!

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Our ballroom dancing competition!

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Today we had our maths lesson outside, it was great fun!

As this week is Mental Health Awareness week, we have been discussing ways in which we can make ourselves, or others, feel better if we are ever feeling anxious or down. We made fortune tellers and inside, we wrote things that we believed would make people smile or encourage them to do something which would help to make them feel happier. Once we had made our fortune tellers, we tried them out on each other and discussed how the comments made us feel. We believe that saying these nice things definitely helped to make us feel happy as there were lots of smiles around the room!

We really enjoyed creating our own egg scenes on Egg Day!

Well done to all of year 4 who performed brilliantly at our Spring Band Concert. You should all be super proud of yourselves, as we are very proud of you! We definitely have some super brass players in the making! A special well done to those children who performed solos. To perform on your own takes a lot of courage and you were all fantastic!

Our current science topic is Electricity. We have been having a go at making a complete circuit so that a light bulb lights up.

Red Nose Day 2019!


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We had lots of fun during our first ballroom lesson!

A sneak peek at our ballroom lessons...

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The Waltz

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The Waltz

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Today we created a timeline by ordering some events that occurred in Fleetwood's history.

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We love our PE sessions with Fleetwood Town! This term we have been focusing on net and ball games. We have been using different objects as nets and trying to get the ball to bounce twice on the opponents side to score a point.

We have been working really hard to solve some tricky problems in maths.

Well done to all of Year 4 who auditioned for Shakey's Got Talent this year. You were all fantastic!

We loved playing out in the snow!

For our science topic, States of Matter, we have been investigating the weight of gas in fizzy drinks. We weighed the drinks before shaking them and releasing the gas to try and make them go flat!

We really enjoyed our first 'Healthy Heads' session with Fleetwood Town this week!

We had so much fun at our Christmas party!

We were feeling festive on Friday! We wore our Christmas jumpers and hats to raise money for Brian House.

4B were fantastic in their class assembly. They spoke clearly and confidently while raising awareness for Anti-Bullying week.

As it is anti-bullying week this week, we wore odd socks to show that we are against bullying!

Today we had a go at making linkage mechanisms in our DT lesson. We wanted the bottom strip of paper to move when we pulled the top strip of paper and vice versa. It was tricky at first but we all worked out where our fixed pivot point needed to be.

We had a debate about whether Boudicca was a hero or a villain in our history lesson today. There were some very interesting arguments for both sides!

We are really enjoying our band lessons! We each have the opportunity to learn how to play a brass instrument and we are having a great time doing it!

Class 4B and 4H have settled perfectly into year 4!

Maths overview
